Domino’s Japan
AR Size Guide
iOS | Web
With the introduction of a new, larger pizza size, Domino’s Japan needed a way to clearly communicate this product joyfully in a pandemic-weary world.
Up until the summer of 2019, Domino’s Japan just had two pizza sizes, “medium” and “large,” but that August the chain added “regular”.
Ordered by ascending size, pizzas went medium, regular, large (yes, I know.)
In early 2021, the decision was made to introduce two additional sizes, the returning “New Yorker” and the new “Ultra Jumbo”. (yes, I knoooooooow.)
The sizing would therefore be: Medium, Regular, Large, New Yorker and Ultra Jumbo.
With some lockdowns and restrictions on travel still in place, DPJ needed way to meaningfully communicate these sizes to customers without being able to show them in person - as customers were overwhelmingly electing for delivery.
I proposed a web-launched ARKit experience as a very engaging and cost-effective way of bringing this to life.
Multiple iterations were produced in Trimble SketchUp, exported as .OBJ into Reality Converter and retextured for .USDZ. Wherever possible I modelled text and patterns into the model itself - as this meant users could get as close to the model as they liked without a loss of fidelity. I made the decision to use a brushed, highly reflective material for the pans as this looked clean and food safe - but also to show off ARKit’s phenomenal material rendering.
Designs were approved by DJP’s marketing team, and checked against the actual pan sizes in store to verify 1:1 accuracy. Multiple configurations were tested, with and without Ultra Jumbo and New Yorker sizes.
The experience was launched via a Japan-team landing page and substantial television and print marketing.
In February 2023 Domino’s Japan changed Medium, Regular and Large to Small, Medium and Large.